Sunday, August 2, 2020

Scientific Explanation of Nishkraman Sanskar (Outing Ceremony Of Baby for First Time)

Category: Science in Ancient texts (Hindu Sanskar)

Hi Beautiful and Peaceful Souls,

We all have heard about Sanatan Sanskriti but have you ever wondered what is actually Sanatan Sanskriti?

By definition, It is the way of living life on earth by maintaining a balance with nature and rise ourselves to get physical, mental and spiritual wealth. The meaning of Sanskrit itself is, one which purifies, improves, and upgrade.

Our ancient language is known as Sanskrit because it helps in developing the human race. Our Indian civilization is known as Sanskriti (culture) because it follows particular set of rules beneficial for society, nature and us. There are rules for language, food habits, attire, behavior towards society and nature, this plays important role for the mankind. We have become cultured because we follow these set of rules called Sanskars (Sacrament of life). These Sanskars are responsible for the upgradation of personal (physical, mental and spiritual), family, religious and social life of humans. Our ancestors were wise enough and therefore created these Sanskars  as these Sanskars help a person get involved in preserving nature and human race.

                            Photo courtesy: Youtube Channel "Something NEW"

Sanskars which can performed in the form of different rituals, ceremonies and actions (such as worship, festivals, fasting, pilgrimage, deity darshan, donation, yagya, recitation of mantra, hymns and divine accents, yoga, meditation and action towards nature) raise our consciousness and develop us as a purified and wiser human. With the help of gained knowledge, we perform sattvic (pure) actions influenced purely by soul and behave with responsibility towards ourself, society and nature. This helps us to think always in the direction of benefiting the mankind throughout our life. This in turn helps us to enlighten and achieve the ultimate purpose of human birth i.e., liberation. Actually, sanskar done at different stages of life reminds us about this ultimate purpose of life right from the beginning when we enter in the womb so that we do not get stuck in materialistic world. Without Sanskars, human will behave as "Demon". Our ancestors were well aware of this and therefore, created Sanskars for every stage of life starting from birth till death. With time, though these Sanskars have either changed or diminished but the purpose always remains the welfare of nature and mankind. The true purpose of human birth is to purify our-self,  perform good deeds, experience and distribute happiness.

Now, you may question on how sanskars help  in achieving liberation? Let us try to understand this.

Vedic civilization is based on sanskars which is the sum  total of 3 things:

1. The impressions from actions of previous births in causal body.
2. Genetics of parents and family we are born in. 
3. Environment we live in, ever since birth

The impressions of our actions (karmas) done in past lives get accumulated as sanskars and act as the casual body (seed) for present life. The karmas (good or bad) of present life will be casual body for next life. These will be responsible for body and mind of next life and thus karma of next life. It means, human being is free to do any karma but has to suffer or enjoy the outcome of that karma either in present life or in future lives. Therefore, there is a need to eradicate the impressions of bad karma from soul to become a better individual. An individual who possess good physical, mental and spiritual health. The system of 16 sanskars act as a road map to evolve a person to become better for society.

In ancient times, the expecting mother were sent either to the ashram or in the environment which has a positive impact on physical and mental state of mother. This helped eradicating the bad impressions of karma of many of previous birth even before soul takes the form of gross body. This was done with the help of Sanskars performed before conception as well as prenatal Sanskars. It means the good sanskars of parents are directly responsible for the accumulation of good sanskars in child leading to a healthy body and mind. This way, parents are able to produce a child which is an asset for the ideal society.

However, today, people believe that the physical and mental attributes of child is an outcome of
A) heredity (Heredity is the term used for genetic heritage we receive by our biological traits) and
B) the environment they are living in.

It is true but today, we have very less or no knowledge about preconception and prenatal sanskars. This practice has lead to the lost of chance of eradicating the impressions of bad karma before soul takes the form of gross body in the womb.        

Number of sanskaras vary in different Hindu religious texts such as Grihya sutra (18-21).  Gautam Smriti and Maharishi Angira explained about 40 and 25 Sanskars, respectively. Vyas and Manu smriti explains about 16 Sanskars each to be performed in a fix series.

These are Garbhadhan (Conception), Punsavana, Simantonayana (Baby shower ceremony), Jatakarma (Birth rituals), Naamkaran (Naming ceremony), Nishkramana (Outing ceremony), Annaprashana (Feeding ceremony), Mundan (Shaving of head), Upanayana (Sacred thread ceremony), Vedarambh (Beginning of vedic study), Keshanta, Smavartana (End of studentship), Vivaha (Marriage ceremony), Vanprastha (Renouncing the householder's life), Sanyas (Leading of life of monk), Antyeshti  (Death ritual) Sanskars.

We will study these 16 sanskars one by one, I will start with Nishkraman Sanskar today.

                                 Photo courtesy: Google Images: jantaserishta

Scientific Explanation of Nishkraman Sanskar

It is placed at sixth place in shodash (16) sanskaras. It is the Sacrament of first outing or outing ceremony of baby. The baby is taken out to a place for pure and fresh air. This place should not be crowded to avoid the risk of air borne diseases, though baby develops good immunity till this time. We already know that pure and fresh air increases the level of prana in body and makes us healthy. Similarly, this sanskar is the introduction of child to beautiful nature and to have a feel of it. Pure air filled with solar prana is really necessary for the development of body and mind. To keep child at home for more than 4 months, without performing this sanskar, has a bad impact on baby's health. It has been seen observed that babies always ask us to take them out reason being, they enjoy the company of nature. 

According to Kashyapa and Ashtanga Sangrah, in the fourth month of birth, the baby should be given a bath, adorned, wear new clean clothes, possess mustard, honey, Grihta (Ghee) or Gud-chana (Mixture of jaggery and roasted chana) along with dhatri (nurse) should be taken out of house, to a temple. This sanskar is done by performing Yagya with the recitation of mantra.

This process (Sanskara) is an important observation tool for developmental milestones of baby. Bathing the baby is a good time to check any deformity by vaidya. By the end of 4th month child develops head control and thus the brain development, perfect motor or sense organs and muscles coordination can be checked during this sanskar. For example, if everything is fine then baby will react to the sound of bell in temple by turning head around and lifting it with complete control. This shows baby's good hearing capacity. By seeing sun and moon, pupillary reaction of child can be observed. The persistence of grasping, placing, stepping, rooting, tonic and Moro's reflexes gives the indication of cerebral palsy. Moreover, as the child meets unknown people its reaction in the form of smile, laugh, fear, anxiety or curiosity can be observed with the help of this sanskar. We can say that, baby start showing emotions such as recognition of mother, and interest in external environment in the 4th month after birth. 

Till three months, baby remains sensitive to strong sun and wind. S(He) can suffer from heat stroke and hypothermia. Therefore, baby is taken out of the home for first time only after 3rd month.  It is done to enhance the age and physical and mental development of child.  Moreover, exposing him/her to sunlight in the morning, accelerates the synthesis of Vitamin D. Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the gut and maintains adequate serum calcium and phosphate concentrations to enable normal mineralization of bones to promote bone and teeth health. Sunlight is also responsible for better immunity and thus makes baby's body strong.  

Additionally, baby's biological clock sets up after this day/Sanskara. My previous blog ( explains how morning light is responsible to recharge biological clock. Sunlight is responsible for the increase in serotonin and inhibition of melatonin hormone which makes child happy and energetic.  In addition of this, sunlight helps to breakdown bilirubin, a natural compound of catabolic pathway, that can be processed easily by child's lever.  

We know that the whole life on this earth is controlled by two planetary bodies Moon and Sun. The flow of heat energy in the body is sign of life and c
old body is the indication of death.  Solar energy (Sun) gives life. Sun (Masculine energy) is all about taking actions, moving forward and going for our desires. The reason for these actions is the production of Serotonin and disappearance of Melatonin along with other products controlled by sunlight. The sun's blessings are taken so that child's character becomes bright and mighty as Sun. 

Moon (feminine energy) encourages us to be remain calm and at rest. It is also responsible for the production of Serotonin 
hormone (feel good hormone) and other products. Moon reflects the light of sun without being aggravating and has soothing impact on body and mind. It cools down excess heat, anger and Pitta Dosha related problems. Moon light being reflected sun light can boost vitamin D level too. Moon's blessings are taken so that child is bestowed with calm and serene qualities similar to that of moon. 

We already know that there should be a balance between work and rest. Both actions in excess ruin our health. Similarly, Sun and Moon made balance on this earth for the survival of its habitants.

Hope you all, will be happy to know the science behind the sanskars of Indian civilization. I hope, you will understand the importance of sanskars and start following these lost sanskars.

Sanskars only fill divinity in the human body who otherwise is an uncultured being.

Your's Well Wisher
Purnima Ghai

11.Book: Vedic Sanatan Hindutva

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  1. Very well put out in a logical manner, a knowledge which is not available anywhere and is neither taught or explained in the growing years. More so with families becoming nuclear,the oral traditions are not handed down through grandparents. In light of this it is more important that information like this should be made available in public domain. Thanks

  2. Thanks for your appreciation. It is a small effort from my side to spread awareness for Sanatan Dharma
