Sunday, July 26, 2020

Waking Up Early Morning: A Tradition Backed By Science

Category: Ayurveda

Hi Beautiful and Peaceful Souls,

Our parents always told us to get up and study early morning rather than late night. However, when we inquired for the reason behind this, they simply said "it is good for you". So, today, I am going to discuss about the science behind it both on the basis of ancient and modern school of thought. We all know the proverb "Early to Bed Early to Rise Make a Man Healthy, Wealthy and Wise" but how many of us know that in Ashtanga Hridyam, it has been mentioned that, we should always get up early morning (Brahma Muhurta) for healthy, long and peaceful life.

First of all, let us try to understand what is Brahma Muhurta?

Brahma Muhurta is the period (Muhurta) of day 96 minutes before sunrise i.e., One hour Thirty Six minutes before sunrise. It is Known as "The Creator's Hour"  or "Time of Brahma". Brahma Muhurta is the specific time at which the biological clock of human beings gets recharged and thus maintains its rhythm and pattern day long. According to Vishudh Manusmriti, each Muhurta lasts for 48 minutes, and therefore, the Brahma Muhurta begins 96 minutes before sunrise and ends 48 minutes before sunrise. For example, if the sunrises at 6 a.m. on a particular day at particular location, then the Brahma Muhurta starts at 4.24 a.m. and lasts till 5.12 a.m.  Since the time of sunrise varies each day depending on geographic location and time of year, thus the time of Brahma Muhurta also varies.

Ayurveda says, aligning our microcosm with macrocosm is the method for healthy and long life with delayed ageing. At this point in time, the atmosphere remains free from worldly feelings and negative vibrations. Since devotees pray God and Yogis do meditation hence their mental rays (positive vibrations) pervade all over the world and benefits it. As you would be aware that pattern of vibrations is responsible for particular forms and even scientists have agreed that the world is a string of vibrational energy. All manifestations in our life are because vibrations of our thoughts match with theirs. This means our pure and positive thoughts has a positive impact on our as well as others life. Therefore, there is always a need for us to increase our sattva quality by living sattvic life. After a good night sleep, we are more relaxed and at peace and this results in dominance of sattva guna in us. So, this period has presence of more sattva (purity) in the atmosphere and in us.

Ancient people were well aware that their ultimate goal is to achieve liberation, there is a need to live a simple life free from desires and distractions. They also knew that our body tune in much easily with nature at this time of day and thus stays at peace and stillness, making it more alert to gain ultimate knowledge (Brahma Gyan). So, they always used to get up at Brahma Muruta and devote their time for the progress of their soul. Moreover, Sushmana naadi flows readily at this time (when breathing occurs through both the nostrils then it is an indication that Sushmuna nadi is working) and thus meditation occurs effortlessly. Therefore, Brahma Muruta is considered an auspicious time for practicing Yoga and Meditation, and for worship and gaining knowledge.

Brahma Muhurta According to Ayurveda

Different Doshas dominate at different time frames of the day. The time of last part of night i.e., between 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. is dominated by Vata Dosha therefore, Brahma Muhurta occurs during Vata stage of day. Vata Dosha is responsible for movement and communication either in macrocosm or in microcosm ( i.e., Vata governs the movement of body and mind such as flow of breath, pulsations of heart and contractions of muscles and cellular mobility and communication (Nervous system and mind). Hence, transmission of knowledge, creativity of mind, clarity of thoughts and communication is enhanced during this period. At this time, energy fills space with high level of prana (life energy) available in the atmosphere and this is necessary for body. Though there is no direct Sun light but there is a rise in solar energy which starts reaching us. As solar energy is the main source of creation on earth, therefore, at this time, many cells of our body get signals to perform various physiological activities with utmost efficiency. Moreover, the negative things such as pollution of any kind and other worldly distractions are at its minimum during this period. Our senses for sound, sight, touch and smell are enhanced to grab what is happening around us. All these feelings really boosts us and give us a feel good effect.

We also know that, the macrocosm (cosmos) affects the microcosm (human body) and vice versa. Therefore, we should always align ourselves (biological clock) with macrocosm. Vata is a very active and powerful Dosha but gets affected easily by any positive and negative energy. Therefore, we should increase our energy levels by gaining positive prana through meditation, pranayam and sun salutation in early morning.

How we wake up and at what time we wake up, decides our energy level for the day. Waking up during peaceful time having a lot of positive energy keeps us away from lethargy and dullness. This is one of the reason that waking up after 6 a.m. or late make us feel irritated and lethargic because the period between 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. is of Kapha Dosha which leads to a slow pace. Babies wake up early in the morning naturally. Birds and animals also wake up early because their body is in sync with mother nature. They all wake up at Brahma Muhurta. The most unhealthy living creature on earth is human being who does not even try to tune with the mother nature.

Friends, for those who think getting up daily before 6 a.m. is a difficult task then let me tell you, it is much easier than getting up in Brahma Muhurta. I have noticed significant changes in my life by getting up early in the morning. I have become more conscious to other beings as well as nature and have started thinking in the direction of welfare of the society. It really helped me to understand my emotions and how to tackle them. Another big change, I think I am now more aware of my thoughts which helps me to deal with them in a better way. I am a normal human being but trying to do my karma on the basis of voice of truth. I am becoming a strong believer of Law of Karma. I have reduced my ego and have started accepting people as they are as there is something above this human body.

Brahma Muhurta According to Modern Science

A scientific study stated that late risers are more inactive than early risers.
One possible explanation of this could be the involvement of morning light. To understand this, there is a need to understand few processes such as circadian cycle and biological clock. The circadian rhythms or cycle are physical, mental and behavioral changes that the body goes through in 24 hours with the change in the external environment due to earth's rotation. These are affected by light, darkness and temperature in organisms's environment. Sleeping at night and being awake during the day is an example of light-related circadian cycle. It is found in most living beings i.e., animals, plants, and even tiny microbes.

This cycle is controlled by body's internal clock or biological clock, housed deep within brain. The area in the brain which is charged with keeping time is called Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), situated right above point in brain where optic nerve fibres cross. This location enables the SCN to receive the cues it needs from light in the environment to help it keep time. SCN is the group of thousand of nerve cells. The light turn on or off genes that control the molecular structure of biological clock. The products of these genes interacts in cells throughout the body. In 2017, Nobel prize in medicine or physiology was awarded to honor of three laureates for their discoveries of molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm.

Melatonin, a hormone, is responsible for our daily body's cycle. SCN directs the pineal gland for the production of melatonin which make us sleepy. When SCN receive less or no light at night through optic nerves, it signals pineal gland to produce more melatonin to make us feel drowsy or in sleep mode. When sunlight is received by optic nerves, which relay information from eyes to brain, melatonin secretion is inhibited and the brain's awake circuit resumes. In the similar way,  people who get up late, there biological clock becomes more than 24 hours and does not tune with the 24h cycle of earth. This altered biological clock in late risers results in tiredness, impaired alertness, performance, gastrointestinal problems, loss of appetite and inappropriate timing of defecation. Therefore, morning light is necessary to shorten the circadian cycle of biological clock in late risers.

Pineal gland releases melatonin at its highest capacity during Brahma Muhuruta. According to many scientific studies, melatonin is a mood stabilizer and helps to rid away from depression. I was surprised to know that people take melatonin supplements despite the fact that it is naturally produced in our body if we wake up early in the morning. Mood or mind stabilization is necessary to live  spiritual life, so try to get up early and experience the effects of melatonin on our body.

Body clock is also responsible for more than just sleep and wakefulness. Other systems like hunger, mental alertness, stress, heart function, body temperature and immunity also operates in daily rhythm when this gets cue from environment. e.g., the hormone responsible for hunger and metabolism rise and fall over the course of the day. The chemicals involved in immune system also vary. Compounds that induce inflammatory response spike at night and those inhibit rise during the day. This is the reason, fever tend to spike at night. It means, body fights in a better way while at rest. Biological clock gets disrupted by jet lag, change in work shift or use of mobile or electronic equipment in night.

High level and unpolluted oxygen at Brahma Muhuruta blends into hemoglobin to produce oxyhemoglobin that in turn enhances immunity and energy levels. This period has high concentration of ozone element which stabilizes mind and energies fabrics of brain. Endorphins (feel-good hormones) such as serotonin are also at high concentration at this time. Modern science also says that the rate of secretion of life protecting hormone, Cortisol is high in the morning and low in the evening.  Since cortisol helps to withstand the stress and trauma in life thus, the secretion of cortisol results in anti-stress pathway in the body.

Hope this much knowledge will help us to convince ourselves to wake up in early in morning

Early to Bed, Early to Rise make a Man Healthy, Wealthy, Wise

Take Care all of You

Your's Well Wisher
Purnima Ghai


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