Sunday, August 9, 2020

Scientific Explanation of Annaprashan Sanskar

Category: Science in Ancient texts (Hindu Sanskar)

 Hi Beautiful and Peaceful Souls,

As I promised that I will share details about all 16 sanskars of Indian culture on the basis of scientific facts. So, today, I will talk about the another sanskar "Annaprashan Sanskar". 

चतुर्थे मासि कर्तव्यं शिशोर्निष्क्रमणं गृहात् |
षष्ठेSन्नप्राशनं मासि यद्वेष्टं मङ्गलं कुले || (31)

What is Annaprashan Sanskar?

When the child takes first ever solid food or cereals, the sanskar is called the Annaprashan sanskar. It is performed at the 6th month from the date of birth of baby. According to the ancient texts, only pure (sattvik) and nutritious food contributes to a healthy body, mind, intellect and soul of human being. Therefore, the "khir" or "Sweet" is offered to child in this sanskar after performing yagya on an auspicious day. 

Why Annaprashan Sanskar is performed at the age of 6 months?

We know that human milk consists of macro nutrients (water, carbohydrate, lipid, protein, bio-active component and micro nutrients (Vitamins and Minerals). So, it is not merely nutrition but also contains a variety of factors with medicinal properties that have profound role in infant survival and health. The concentration of these macro and micro nutrients change during different stages of lactation. For example, as per a scientific report (4), the mother who breastfeed up to 12 months has more carbohydrate and less fat and protein in her milk while the mother who breastfeed longer than 18 months has comparatively less carbohydrate and more fat and protein in milk. This may be the reason that child who get breastfed for longer period tend to have a fatty body and is less energetic. 

Another scientific report (5) stated that the milk's micro nutrients such as iron, zinc and copper are higher in colostrum but declines significantly starting second week to 4-7 months postpartum. As per another scientific report (6), breast milk alone becomes insufficient to meet an infant's vitamins B-6 requirements after 6 months of birth. In addition to this, Vitamin D, E, and K  along with iron in breast milk are present in low concentrations than required for a growing baby. Copper, zinc, calcium, and phosphorous concentration in breast milk also starts declining after 6 months of lactation. 

It can be concluded that after the age of 6 months, breast milk alone is not sufficient to fulfill the nutrition and energy requirement of a growing child. As the infancy proceeds calorific requirement of baby increases due to increased activity and rapid growth. So, providing high calorific food along with breast milk is essential. Thus, for the healthy development of body and mind, child needs food which is high in nutrients and energy (Prana). 

A child who does not consume solid food after the age of 6 months suffers from a number of ailments. For example, the prolonged breast feeding alone may lead to calcium deficiency disorders like rickets and scurvy in child. Now the question arises how the child should get nutrition then? Don't worry because it is the law of nature and nature is so grateful to us that if one way is blocked then many another open up. Therefore, the eruption of teeth starts at the age of 6 months and the digestive system of child becomes ready with its enzymatic activity to digest complex food substances by this time. Now the question is what should we give to eat to child? Above, I have mentioned that "Kheer" should be given to child. It is mixture of boiled rice, curd, honey and Ghee served in silver bowl

Scientific Logic Behind Giving "Kheer" in Annaprashan Sanskar  

We know that the microbiota associated with mother's breast milk contributes to create "initial" intestinal microbiota of infants. It introduces beneficial microbes in the gut of child which helps in digestion of milk, and give protection from infections. A Scientific study (22) showed that children who breastfed for at least six months have more beneficial microbes such as Bifidobacteria than those who are bottle-fed. 

So, Curd used in above mixture acts as probiotic (live beneficial bacteria) as after Ananaprashan sanskar, the breastfeeding will be reduced. So, probiotic adds beneficial bacteria to digest complex food to prevent stomach distress. In addition to this, Honey used in this mixture will act as probiotic as well as prebiotic (these substances come from carbohydrates (fiber) that humans cannot digest, thus these act as food for the beneficial bacteria in gut and helps in their proliferation). However, now-a-days, honey is  not considered safe for consumption for children below the age of 12 months as raw honey can cause infant botulism. A contradicting scientific report (26) however stated that 90% cases of botulism occur in children younger than 6 months. So, our ancestors were wise enough to know when honey should be given to child!!

Similarly, Ghee is a rich source of Vitamin A and Vitamin E hence, this acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. In addition to this, little Ghee helps in digestion and keeps stomach troubles at bay. Ghee is a good source of energy and helps in brain development (as it contains DHA, Docosa Hexaeonic Acid, a fatty acid which plays a crucial role in neuro development), weight gain, immunity and eyesight. And finally, boiled rice is used in this mixture because rice is easy to digest (low in fiber) and unlike gluten in wheat, does not trigger an allergic reaction. So, it is well tolerated by babies who are transitioning from breast milk to solid food. Moreover, rice is the greatest source of energy for a child. The reason Silver metal  is used to serve this food is because it is known to have anti-microbial and anti-viral properties (18). This in turn helps the child  to avoid any encounter harmful bacteria/viruses. 

Should we discontinue breast milk completely immediately after this sanskar?

The answer is No. If we completely discontinue feeding breast milk, baby's stomach will get upset. The solid food should be offered to child gradually with a simultaneous  gradual withdrawal of breast milk. As, mentioned above that the first meal offered to infant should be easy to digest, light and soft. We can also give fruit juices as these are source of vitamins and minerals especially vitamin C and as discussed the quantity of Vitamin C in breast milk becomes insufficient than required. So, for healthy teeth, fruit juices rich in Vitamin C are recommended. Vitamin C also helps in absorption of iron along with other micro nutrients. Moreover, fruits juices fulfill the requirement of other vitamins and minerals which become deficit in breast milk. Moreover, fruits which can easily mashed up should give to child at the early stage of giving solid food, this is known as Phalaprashan sanskar. Because, fruits require little digestion for adequate absorption and utilization and give abundance of vitamins, minerals, energy and water to child.   

Is Annaprashan Sanskar Good for Mother?

In this blog, so far we have discussed a lot about the importance of Annaprashan sanskar for a child's growth and development. However, you may ask. does it have any effect on mother's health? If yes, than whether it is good or bad? So the good part is, it is designed not only to keep a child healthy but also focuses on mother's health. Let me explain, a scientific review (17) stated that the bone loss in mothers, who breast feed for up to 6 months, stops with in  6 months of delivery and reaches to baseline level in just another 6 months. In contrast, they found that if lactation continues for 12 months, bone mass does not reach to baseline level leading to calcium deficiency in mother. So, it can be concluded that continuing regular breast feeding even post 6 months of delivery can make the bones of mother weak. 

Another significance of Annaprashan ceremony is, it can also be used as a time for assessment of developmental milestones in child viz., rolling over, sitting with own support, stranger emotions and monosyllabic speech (pa, ba, da).   

There is quote in India, "Our physique, mind, intellect and soul are what we eat "

Hope you like it,

Your's Sincerely

Purnima Ghai
















15. Picture Courtesy: Jyotish Yagishala

16. Book: Sanskar Chandrika















31. Book: Vishudh Manusmriti

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