Saturday, October 31, 2020

Scientific Explanation of Garbhadhana Sanskar (Part I): Importance of Pre-conception Program

Category: Science in Ancient texts (Hindu Sanskar) 

Hi Beautiful & Peaceful Soul,

We know that child resembles his parents because of heredity (Transfer of genes from parents to child), but it is well known now that environment, behavior and lifestyle also play very important role in the physical and mental characteristics of child. This is because of epigenetics (64, 65) i.e., the impact of behavior and environment on the way our genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change our DNA sequence, but they can change how our body reads DNA sequence. Gene expression refers to how often or when proteins are created from the instructions within our genes. The genetic changes can alter the end product i.e., protein while epigenetic changes affect the expression of genes and can turn them “on” and “off”(20). Early-life epigenetic modifications, which determine the expression of genetic information stored in the genome, are viewed as one of the general mechanisms linking prenatal exposure and phenotypic changes later in life (66). Therefore, research is showing epigenetics has a hand in the transmission of a parent's habits to their child (67)

Here are some examples of the effect of environments on child:

1. Monozygotic twins show different behavior even though they have same genetic makeup and same lifestyle, behavior and environment. Just think, why it happens? Perhaps because of impressions from their previous karma.

2. Twins (Dizygotic) who grew in different environments show similar mental qualities but with lot of variations 

3. Children from different parents (different genetic makeup) brought up in the same environment show same behavior.

4. Prahalad, son of King Hiranyakashyapa was devotee of Lord Vishnu despite being born in a demon's family. This is because his mother was a devotee of Lord Vishnu from whom he listened devotional prayers and stories.  

Above examples clearly indicate that if the child's behavior would have been based exclusively on heredity, then a child from bad family will always be bad but this is not the case. Having an example of Prahlad indicates that God has given opportunity to all of us to change the expression of bad genes with the influence of our environment, lifestyle and behavior keeping in mind that the main motive of reproduction is not only to procreate the child but to provide a noble human being who will contribute towards a good society. 

By keeping this view in mind, I must say our ancestors had a sound knowledge of epigenetics along with heredity, that is why they drafted these sanskars for the development of a healthy child. Sanskars help in erasing all impurities of seeds (Sperm and Ovum) of parents and improve their reproductive capabilities. Sanskars keep fetus and mother physically, mentally and spiritually healthy and thus providing a noble person to society. Sanskars have been classified in two categories: 

A) Pre-natal Sanskars

Sanskars that are performed when child is in womb. 

  1. Garbhadhana Sanskar-
  2. Pumsavana Sanskar- (
  3. Simantonayan Sanskar- (

B) Post-natal Sanskars

 Sanskars are performed after the child's birth. I have discussed in my previous blogs some of them. 

  1. Nishkraman- (, 
  2. Annaprashan- (, 
  3. Mundan- (, 
  4. Karnavedhana-  (, 
  5. Jaatakarma & SwarnaPrashan Sanskar-   (, 
  6. Namakaran- ( 

Other remaining post-natal sanskars which will be discussed in later blogs. Today, after giving intro of Garbhadharan sanskar, I will discuss preconception program in this blog.

A. What is Garbhadhana Sanskar?

It is the first sanskar done among 16 sanskars. The meaning of Garbhadharan is, placing the seed in the womb. Garbhadhana Sanskar is made of two words Garbha and Sanskar. Garbha means fetus and Sanskara means to replace bad qualities by good ones

But, in Ayurveda, Preconception Program for three to six months has been suggested before Garbhadhana Sanskar. 

a. Before to know about preconception program, there is a need to know below discussed points are: 

1. Right age of marriage: Marriage and pregnancy are interrelated. Ancient scriptures say that pregnancy should be occurred in adult age which is a combination of biological (fully developed physical body) and cultural age (fully developed mental body). Pre-pubertal is neither a biological nor a cultural age. Teenage is the biological age (physical body is getting ready to procreate) but not cultural age. 

According to Indian law, the right age of marriage and pregnancy is 18 years for women. Scientific studies show that adolescent mothers face higher risks of eclampsia, puerperal endometritis and systemic infections. Babies of adolescent mothers have higher risks of low birth weight, preterm delivery and severe neonatal conditions (30, 31, 32)

For men, the right legal age of marriage and procreation is 21 years in India. Modern science says that the age where a man is most fertile is between the age of 22 and 25 because sperm count and motility is very high at this age. At the age of 25, the average time for conceiving is only 4.5 months (34, 35)

According to ancient scriptures, the right age of marriage and pregnancy for women is three years after their periods starts. The periods mostly starts in 13-14 years of age, so the marriageable age will be 16 -18 years. Right age for marriage and procreation for men is 25 years which is supported by scientific studies discussed above. For men, the age before 25 years and after 40 years is catabolic stage, in which person should maintain Brahamcharya (Celibacy) to live long.  

2. Age gap of spouse matters for procreation: According to Vishudh Manusmriti, the age for reproductive maturity is 16 and 25 for women and men respectively and therefore it recommends to  marry with a same age gap ratio i.e., 9 years. This large age gap was acceptable in ancient times but women should always be younger than men. Definitely, there is a reason behind this...

A woman's desires and sexual responses peak between at 25 years of age. On the other hand, for man it is at 35 and after. It can be noted that the same responses (sexual drive) occur in men and women at the age of 35 and 25 years, respectively. This is the reason for recommended age difference.  

Women mature two to three years earlier than men and they reach menopause around 48-50 years as well.  Her fertility potential or reproductive capability is best between 20-30 years. Later the capability decreases and eggs in the ovary start reducing. The men are capable of producing sperm even at 70-75 years of age. Although, aging affects the reproductive capability of men too, but they remain fertile in contrast to women who no longer remain fertile after menopause. This can be the second reason of age gap.

During ancient times, the purpose of marriage was to procreate in a very conscious way for the welfare of society and nature. For this, the sexual compatibility and reproductive age of spouse definitely matters. However, too much age gap between spouses also creates many complexities and is also detrimental to reproductive success.

Now we know the reason why men want to marry younger women and women prefer to marry older men. There are many scientific reports which suggest different age gap for the perfect marriage. One such scientific report showed the health benefits of optimal age differences (37)

3. Partners should be of different constitution: According to Ayurveda, it is recommended to choose spouse with a different constitution (Prakriti) to your own to help balance out the qualities in child (39).

b. Now come to the point of Preconception program prior to conception involves four essential components (Bija, Ambu, Kshtera and Rtu) that must work together optimally to conceive the child having extraordinary qualities. These components are discussed below: 

1. Purification of Seeds (Bija): According to Ayurveda, this reproductive tissue is the very last tissue created in the body. It is most refined and most complete tissue created after all the food we eat gets processed. The health of seeds depends on digestion which determines how well we assimilate food in our body. Hence, the first step in producing healthy sperm and eggs is to ensure digestion is working well. This is achieved through deep internal physical cleansing to balance Doshas and reduce toxins. Scientific studies showed that environmental toxins cause infertility (40). In addition to this, mental (emotional) and spiritual cleansing is required. In this way, three months are required for proper cleansing of whole body.  

2. Purification of reproductive tract (Kshetra): Reproductive tract of men and women should be free from toxins. Problems and infections in reproductive tract should be treated well prior to conception as they can cause infertility (42, 43)

3. Purification of Nutritious fluids (Ambu): These include hormones, specific vitamins and minerals, and ojas (very essence of vitality and immunity). One should take well-balanced diet and any vitamin and mineral deficiency should be treated prior to conception (46, 47, 48, 49). The hormones should also be well balanced, so any irregularities in menstrual cycle should be treated prior to conception (44, 45)

4. What are the steps taken for physical, mental and spiritual cleansing program for three months?

a. Physical Cleansing: Eat an easy to cook and easy to digest food. Avoid or eliminate gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Scientific studies showed that caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, stress and unfavorable diet causes infertility and other health complications (47, 53) and green tea lowers folic acid levels, so avoid green tea if trying to conceive (39)

If you have access to Panchakarma center then undergo panchakarma for minimum of two weeks. Panchkarma (Bio-purification) allows the biological system to return to homeostasis and to rejuvenate rapidly. It also facilitates the desired pharmacokinetic effect of medicines administered thereafter. It includes a wider range of therapeutics such as replenishing, depleting, rejuvenating therapies etc. Panchakarma, a comprehensive and an integral part of Ayurvedic treatment and has its role in every therapeutic condition (41, 50, 51)

Otherwise, two weeks to a month-long home cleanse can be done with Khichadi and cooked vegetables. Moreover, minimize or abstain from intercourse. Practice Meditation and Yoga (41)

b. Emotional Cleansing: It is done by spending few minutes everyday to show gratefulness toward each other. Practice art of genuine apology for any wrong doings and be transparent to each other. If needed, have a neutral third party who can help bring light to deep-seated pain (41).

c. Spiritual Cleansing: This is also a time to cleanse ourselves of any dysfunctionalities within- any anger, greed, attachment, or excess pride and ego. Daily affirmations and prayer will help (41)

5. What are the steps taken for rejuvenation of these components (Seeds; Bija, reproductive tract; KshetraNutritious fluids; Ambu) of preconception program again for three months?

After removing all toxins from body, it is time to make land fertile with rich nutrients and thoughts. The intention of rejuvenation is ultimately to build Ojas. It is the Ojas which keeps all living beings refreshed. There can be no life without Ojas. Ojas marks the beginning of embryo (41)

a. Physical Rejuvenation: It can be done by the use of some fertility enhancing herbs, tonics and ayurvedic herbal massage. Ensure plenty of hydration, food rich in nutrients and fiber. For women, supplement it with calcium, iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid (39). Maintain regular yoga practices (41). Scientific studies showed strong links between maternal and child health outcomes of these practices with consequences that can extend across generations (52, 53).

b. Emotional Rejuvenation: It can be done by writing a letter with positive affirmations and emotions to each other. Spend time with each other having fun and positive communication (41)

c. Spiritual Rejuvenation: Continue the practice of daily affirmation but adapt it to this new phase of fertility process. Journal your aspirations, dreams and thoughts as a parent (41)

These all process should be done under the guidance of Ayurvedic professional.

Preconception also involves the treatment of metabolic and congenital disorders in couples. For instance, women and men with obesity have a higher risk of infertility. This risk is extended to women who are under weight too (46, 47). Scientific review showed that initiation of preconception care before pregnancy could be an effective strategy to reduce congenital disorders (54)

6. Why preconception planning is of three to six months?

Pre-conception care is also recommended by world health organization to maximize the health gains for mother and child. According to Ayurveda, the body is made up of seven Dhatus (types of tissues), of these seven Dhatus, the seventh Dhatu, i.e., Shukra (sperm) alone takes 48 days for its nourishment. The diet and medicines we consume are transformed into each Dhatu within 7 days. Total days taken to convert Rasa (body fluids) to sperm are 49 days. Then sperm alone takes 48 days for its nourishment. Thus, near about 90 days are required for proper development of male seed. According to modern science, it takes 90 days for the male seed to be formed completely by the process of spermatogenesis. The same amount of time is required for hormonal regulation and formation of female seed by the process of oogenesis (56, 61).   

7. Why there is a need of celibacy before conception?  

Semen has an influence in two directions: descending and ascending. Birth of child requires the semen to come out of the male body in a descending manner. If this semen is withheld with patience and made to move upwards with the help of Yoga, it gets transformed into Ojas (vital force) and then into Tej (radiance). Vital force is the source of excellent qualities such as energy, strength, intelligence and brilliance. The radiance and glow that we see on the faces of saints and sages is because of upward movement of withheld semen (56)

According to Ayurveda, eternal bliss and peace is achieved by preserving Veerya (Semen) which is obtained by Brahmacharya (Celibacy). From food comes chyle (juice); from chyle comes blood and flesh; from flesh comes fat; from fat come bones; from bone comes marrow and lastly, from marrow comes semen (62). It is found in subtle state in all cells of the body. According to Ayurveda, the more the wastage of semen, the less is the physical and mental awareness. When semen is preserved, it gets reabsorbed by the body and stored in the brain as Ojas Shakti or Spiritual/Divine power. Therefore, seminal energy changes into spiritual energy. This is called the process of sex-sublimation. Sublimation is not a matter of suppression or repression, but a positive dynamic conversion process. It is the process of controlling the sex energy, conserving it, then diverting it into higher channels and finally converting it into spiritual energy. This concept is supported by modern science too (58).

This can be understood in a scientific way as, ATP is present in each body cell and it's breakdown gives huge energy to carry out cellular and other activities. This ATP molecule is also responsible for the motility of sperm cells. So, if a person does not ejaculate, the body will break the semen down and will reabsorb the energy stored in it in the form of ATP.  Therefore, the semen is the real vitality in man. It gives glow to face, strength to the intellect and well being to entire system (57)

Preservation of semen also leads to  Viveka or Vichara Shakti and thus Dharma. Human life is not meant to satisfy all the physical needs but for a higher purpose i.e., Self-Realization, this can be achieved by Celibacy. If a man leads a life of celibacy even while following domestic responsibilities and has copulation only for the sake of progeny, he can bring forth healthy, intelligent, strong, beautiful and selfless children.  

If before conception, the semen is made to travel upwards through practice and patience and thereafter, at the time of conception, if the same semen is made to descend again, the child born will be highly radiant and illustrious (56). According to modern science, semen retention has many benefits (59):

a. Physical benefits: Greater vitality, increased muscle growth, thicker hair, deeper voice, improved sperm quality

b. Mental benefits: More confidence, self control, less anxiety, high motivation, better memory, concentration

c. Spiritual benefits: Deeper relationships, stronger life force, better overall happiness

There are many scientific studies showing increased testosterone level which is key male sex hormone that regulate fertility, muscle mass, fat distribution and R.B.C production (60)

After purification and rejuvenation, the time comes for Garbhadhana Sanskar in which parents with pure body and soul are ready to mate for placing the seed in the womb at a particular timeHere is the importance of fourth component of preconception program i.e., timing (Rtu) which we will discuss in Part II of Garbhadhana Sanskar.  

Take care all of you,

Your's Sincerely

Purnima Ghai








































39.Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol.2, No.10 (2013) Pages 315 - 321

















56. Book: Conception as Craftsmanship







63. Picture Courtesy: Puja Yagya






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Monday, October 12, 2020

Scientific Explanation of Pumsavana/Garbharakshan Sanskar

Category: Science in Ancient texts (Hindu Sanskar)

Hi Beautiful & Peaceful Soul

In the series of blogs about sixteen sanskars, after discussing Nishkraman (, Annaprashan(, Mundan(, Karnavedhana (, Jaatakarma & SwarnaPrashan Sanskar (, Namakaran ( and Simantonayan ( Sanskar in my previous blogs, today I am going to discuss about Pumsavana Sanskar. 

What is Pumsavana Sanskar?

Punsavana sanskar is the first sanskar just after Garbhadharan sanskar. The chances of abortion are more likely in third, fourth and eight months, therefore it is very necessary to protect the womb in these months with the help of Pumsavana (for physical, mental and spiritual health of child) and Simantonayan (especially for mental  and spiritual health of child) sanskar. 

Significance of Pumsavana Sanskar

It is conducted:

1.  to avoid abortion.

2. to remove the deficiencies in unborn child related to semen and womb.

3. for the birth of desired sex, mostly for male child. This point is still debatable.

4. to provide good physical, mental and spiritual health to child. 

5. to provide good immunity to child and mother. 

6. It strengthens the bond between husband and wife, bound together by a common desire for offspring. 

At What Time This Sanskar is Conducted?

According to Acharya Charak, this sanskar should be performed before conspicuous (Vyaktibhava) of organs or with in two months. Acharya Sushruta advocated it to be done just after conception.

Herbs used in this sanskar according to Ayurveda

In this sanskar, the pregnant lady needs to inhale the juice of banyan stem through either right or left nostril and pray for a worthy child (6)According to Acharya Sushruta, the juice of Banyan tree has all the properties of relieving trouble during pregnancy. Giloy is also used in this sanskar to increase the immunity of mother as well as fetus (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Scientific Explanation of Pumsavana Sanskar

The development of child does not start only after birth, it gets started during gestation and 80% of it is completed at the time of birth. During pregnancy, baby's physical, mental and spiritual development can be molded the way we want. There is a well researched science behind it. I have explained this in my blog on Simantonayan Sanskar ( If mother is happy, she secretes positive hormones (endorphins) while if she is sad, secretes negative hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin. These hormones affect baby's subconscious brain. During Pumsavana sanskar, various oaths are taken by parents especially by father to put his hand on the heart and stomach of his pregnant wife, so that fetus can learn different kinds of emotions like love, affection, happiness, responsibility and respects for others.

The experiments on Pumsavasan Sanskar has revealed startling results: the mothers, who are prone to abortion or whose earlier children are subjected to metabolic deficiencies or genetic disorder since birth, have delivered healthy babies after this sanskar. It has now been accepted by the researchers that the herbal preparation processed under the vitally charged vapors of Yagya affects the cellular and molecular (genetic) systems. The vibrations of mantras during the process of this ceremony purifies child's subtle body. Inhalation of the vapors of herbs, conditions their brain as well as their body (7). 

It is assumed that the sex of child can be changed with this sanskar. However, modern science disagrees with this aspect of Pumsavana ceremony and sternly believes that the sex of the child is decided at the time of conception. At the time of conception, if a sperm carrying X chromosome meets the ovum it produces a girl while a sperm carrying Y chromosome yields a boy. Therefore, the deciding factor is the male sperm, which fertilizes the female ovum and sex is determined immediately on conception. 

How true is Pumsavana Sanskar according to Modern Science?

1. I am able to find a scientific study (9) which showed that drugs used in this sanskar act directly or indirectly on the pituitary gland and stimulates the secretion of hormone responsible for development of particular gonadal and sex organs  in male or female child. For desirable results, one should follow the methodology of this sanskar as explained by acharya.

An early embryo has the potential to follow either the male or female pattern of development because it contains both sets of ducts and primitive gonads that can differentiate into either testis or ovaries. If an embryo is genetically male (XY), the indifferent gonad differentiates into testes under the influence of a gene named SRY (present on Y chromosome and encodes testis-determining factor). It causes the primitive sertoli cells to differentiate into gonadal tissue during the 7th week. The development of sertoli cells secret a hormone named MIS (Mullarian initiating substance) also referred as AMH (anti mullarian hormone). MIS causes degeneration of mullarian duct which does not constitute any structure or role in the male reproductive system. Ledging cells in the gonadal tissue begin to secret testosterone during 8th week. It stimulates the development of wolffian ducts in to male genital organ. In female embryos (XX), because of absence of SRY gene, the gonads develop into ovaries as the mullarian ducts flourish to female reproductive system in the absence of MIS. It has been found that interfering AMH can influence the sex of the offspring and this is done by activating the pituitary gland through inhalation of specific drug in Pumsavana karma. 

However, how a male child is produced from XX embryo without SRY gene of Y chromosome

2. Another scientific report (15) showed that regulatory elements (Enhancers) in junk DNA control the activity of testis genes. In XY embryo, SRY gene on Y chromosome activates another gene SOX9. This gene is regulated by enhancers and if these enhancers are disturbed, it leads to low expression of SOX9 gene. As a result testis will not develop in child leading to a disorder of sex development. This study discovered three enhancers, that together ensure the SOX9 gene is turned on to a high level in an XY embryo, leading to normal testis and male development. Considering this fact, there are chances that the herbs used in Pumsavana sanskar somehow stimulate the high level expression of SOX9 gene. However, the question still remains that since it is possible only in the XY embryo then how can it work in the XX embryo where there is no presence of Y chromosome?

3. The female to male reversal almost always happens when a certain gene called SRY gene, usually carried on the Y chromosome, accidently end up on the X chromosome inherited from father. These males are not fertile. There is another study (16) which showed that mutation in another gene named RSPO1 leads to male development from female embryo. In females, SOX9 gene responsible for the testis development is switched off by RSPO1 gene which via other genes in cascade, leads to development of ovaries. Perhaps mutated RSPO1 gene cannot switch off SOX9 gene in XX embryo leading to male development. This indicates that a gene, when mutated, turns girls into boys. But, definitely, these would not be normal men. So, if herbs used in this sanskar mutate RSPO1gene, XX embryo can convert to male progeny but not as normal men. So, concepts of this sanskar fail here.  

Therefore, till date there is no proper scientific explanation available to back this claim that Pumsavana Sanskar helps in changing the sex of embryo. According to my research, this sanskar is definitely for the birth of a healthy child but not to get male child. 

I hope my research on Pumsavana Sanskar will benefit you.

Take care all of you,

Your's Sincerely

Purnima Ghai















14. Picture Courtesy: The power of mantras 






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